
Union Internationale Des Avocats

Union Internationale Des Avocats

Established in 1927 and with members in over 110 countries, the UIA is a global and multicultural organization for the legal profession that facilitates professional development, stimulates learning and networking, and promotes the Rule of Law.

At present, through its collective members (bars, federations, and associations) and individual members, the Union Internationale de Avocats (UIA) brings together two million lawyers from more than 110 countries.

The UIA is the only major multi-lingual and multi-cultural international lawyers’ organization. The UIA is open to all the world’s lawyers, both general practitioners and specialists.

The UIA›s members have extensive legal expertise, which is reflected in high-level legal debates within its technical commissions and working groups, as well as in resolutions adopted regarding current problems faced by the legal profession throughout the world.

To promote professional excellence, the UIA offers seminars, training sessions and other events throughout the year around the world, which qualify for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) purposes.

The UIA is committed to defending the cause of lawyers who may be pressured or threatened anywhere in the world, through its lobbying and advocacy activities, and speaks out against forces contrary to the proper functioning of the justice system and legally instituted bar associations.

Enjoying special consultative status with the United Nations and participative status with Council of Europe since 1971, in its capacity as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), the UIA is represented at the main United Nations offices (New York, Geneva and Vienna).

The UIA conducts its missions in a collegial atmosphere that favours friendship and good relationships between members.